What Science Jobs Can You Get Without a Degree?

Science is a field that is known for its rigorous academic requirements, yet it is not entirely exclusive to degree holders. It’s crucial to note that various roles within this industry can be secured by individuals without traditional four-year degrees. This document will explore five industries offering science-related jobs that don’t require a degree, along with the benefits and disadvantages of each position. We will also delve into renowned US companies that provide opportunities in the scientific field for non-degree holders. Finally, we’ll discuss why employers may value experience over formal education in certain cases.

What Jobs Are In The Science Industry?

The science industry spans across several disciplines including but not limited to: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering. Each of these fields offers a wide range of opportunities that can be accessed without having to achieve a degree qualification.

Are Science Jobs Well Paid?

It’s worth noting that the salaries associated with jobs in the scientific industry can range significantly depending on a person’s skills, experience and education. In many cases, degree holders are able to secure higher paying positions than those without a qualification. However, there are still opportunities to make good money without having a degree.

What Science Jobs Can You Get Without a Degree?

Let us now explore five industries that are popular for science-related roles without a degree qualification.

Data Science

Data scientists work with large amounts of data and use analytical techniques to draw insights from the information. They acquire, cleanse, analyze and interpret data for their clients or employers. Data Scientists can be paid handsomely, with an average salary of $94,000 per year.

In the US, renowned companies such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft offer data science roles that don’t necessarily require a degree.

Technical Writing

Technical writers possess both the creative and technical skills to document complex scientific processes and products. This is a great entry-level role for those who are interested in the field but do not have a degree. Technical writers can earn anywhere between $50,000 to $90,000 per year depending on their experience and knowledge of the subject matter.

In the US, IBM and Oracle are two well-known companies offering such roles.

Quality Assurance

Quality assurance professionals work with product or service teams to identify and remove any flaws or inconsistencies. Quality assurance roles don’t typically require a degree, but experience in the industry is usually favored. Those working in this capacity can expect an annual salary of around $80,000.

In the US, Apple and Microsoft are two companies that offer quality assurance positions without a degree qualification.

User Experience

User experience (UX) professionals are tasked with creating user-friendly interfaces for websites and digital products. UX jobs don’t require a degree, but employers often favor those who have undertaken some form of formal education in the field. The average salary for this role is approximately $95,000 per year.

In the US, Google and Microsoft are two of the most well-known companies offering UX positions.

Technical Support

Technical support professionals provide technical assistance to customers in resolving their queries or problems. It’s a role that is open to anyone with experience in customer service and problem solving. The average salary for a technical support role can be between $35,000 to $50,000 per year.

In the US, Dell and Apple are two well-known companies offering technical support roles without a degree qualification.


Although these jobs/positions we list above may not seem to be very complex or interesting in nature, You can eventually gain the experience and knowledge you would need, to move higher up within the industry, gaining a strong relationship with your company can open up many doors for you in the future.

Why Would Employers Value Experience Over Formal Education?

Having experience over a degree can be extremely beneficial to employers in certain cases. While a formal education may provide an individual with theoretical knowledge on a particular subject, it cannot provide them with the practical skills essential to perform the job. On the other hand, years of experience can equip an individual with many transferable skills such as problem solving and communication that would be invaluable to any employer.

Experience over formal education may also be preferred by employers because it is often more cost effective. Hiring someone who has already worked in the industry may be more cost efficient than having to train a degree holder. Ultimately, it comes down to the employer’s preference and job requirements.

5 Well Known Corporations That Will Give You Jobs Without A Degree In Science

The US is home to some of the most recognizable companies in the world. Some of these well-known corporations offer science-related jobs without a degree qualification, including:

  • Google: Data Scientist
  • Amazon: Technical Writer
  • Microsoft: Quality Assurance Engineer
  • Apple: User Experience Designer
  • Dell: Technical Support

These jobs are just a few of the many opportunities available to non-degree holders in the science industry. With some research and networking, individuals may be able to find more positions that do not require them to have a degree qualification.

As you can see, these 5 corporations are very well known and established companies, the main prospect to these positions is that the potential to move upwards in job-roles is limitless, if you put the work in and learn quickly. It is also worth noting that many of these roles are offered as contract positions, meaning you can work with multiple companies and gain a range of experiences in the industry at the same time, which will expedite the learning process.


Achieving a degree is often necessary for those seeking higher positions in the science industry. However, there are certain jobs that are available to those without a degree qualification. Data Science, Technical Writing, Quality Assurance, User Experience and Technical Support roles are all viable options for non-degree holders. It is also worth noting that having experience over a degree may be far more valuable to an employer. In the US alone, well-known corporations such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft offer science related jobs without the requirement of having a degree. Therefore, if you’re looking to enter the science industry without a degree under your belt, don’t be afraid to explore and apply for such roles. With experience and knowledge, there is no limit to what can be achieved within this field!

Finally, remember that employers are always looking for motivated individuals who have a genuine interest in the industry and are willing to learn. With self-motivation, patience and dedication, success can certainly be achieved!